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2.4GHz stick radio at sensible price

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2.4GHz stick radio at sensible price Empty 2.4GHz stick radio at sensible price

Post  tmhmodels Sat Feb 13, 2010 8:33 pm

Announced at Nuremburg last week and due into us next week, the new Core RC Code.

With a price tag of just £84.99 for the set with receiver and additional receivers at just £32.99 Schumacher have listened to demand.

-2.4 GHz
-3 Channel
-Servo Reverse
-EPA Settings
-Steering Rate
-Throttle Rate
-Steering Sub Trim
-Throttle Sub Trim
-Steering Speed
-Throttle Speed
-Brake ABS
-Throttle Curve
-Steering Curve
-ATS Launch Control
-15 Model Memory
-Brake ATL
-Throttle Hold
-Servo Monitor
-Charging Jack
Hi Res image

2.4GHz stick radio at sensible price Cr138_w
For more information click to email us.


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Join date : 2009-12-19
Age : 43

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